Little Twig

“Your bicycle makes trouble for us all.
Got no brakes.
You got the shakes.
And little boys, well, they drop their toys
When you fly past..yes they do…”

From “Little Twig” by Neil Halstead.


Read this interesting article in the paper over the weekend.  

This quote caught my attention, “cycling is proven to get safer the more people do it. For instance, a 91% increase in cycle use on London’s main roads between 2001 and 2008 was accompanied by a 33% reduction in cyclist casualties over roughly the same period”.

I also read the following whilst preparing our small group this week, “The massive middle class of the world, numbering some three billion people, travels by bus and bicycle.  Mile for mile, bikes are cheaper than any other vehicle, costing around $100 in most of the Third World and requiring no fuel.  They are also the most efficient form of transportation ever invented and, where not endangered by polluted air and traffic, provide their riders with healthy exercise.”

On yer bike.

2 Responses to “Little Twig”

  1. 1 brunettekoala May 12, 2009 at 11:35 pm

    Now I’m in a dilemma, for fitness and environment (and trying to combat my laziness) I feel I should get a bicycle…hope I can still ride one after almost 10 years.

    But with that statistic, I’m like ‘oh no! I’m gonna officially be middle class!’

  2. 2 thestatethatiamin May 13, 2009 at 12:00 pm

    But, then again – with that statistic another cyclist on the road would actually increase road safety. Maybe we need to flashmob cyclists…

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