Posts Tagged 'gena rowlands band'

Easter @ The 7-11

“Every holiday somehow I find myself down at the 7-11.

At Halloween we go to hell

and at Easter we go to heaven”.

From “Easter @ The 7-11” by Gena Rowlands Band.


Yesterday was Halloween.  It’s funny each year to watch how differently my daughter reacts to the supermarket’s seasonal celebrations – Easter; Halloween; Christmas…

There is something evocative about pumpkins.  They remind me of childhood and, yet, there is something mysterious or deeper or darker or more sinister.  Being a parent has a strange tension of wanting to offer your child freedom, but wanting to also offer restraint or protection. 

Where the mind wanders, the feet sometimes follow… 


Is that how the Father also feels about me as he watches me wander from the path at times or be enticed by things that seem innocent enough but which are not helpful for me?

Easter @ The 7-11


“Every holiday somehow I find myself down at the 7-11.

At Halloween we go to hell

and at Easter we go to heaven”.

From “Easter @ The 7-11” by Gena Rowlands Band.

It’s Easter weekend and these lyrics are simple and profound.

Totally Random Man

“I feel like Captain Beefheart sounds.
I feel like Jackson Pollock looks.
Something I don’t wanna be but am.”

From “Totally Random Man” by Therapy?


If I’m honest, I regularly check how many “hits” my blog attracts.  It’s interesting to see which posts draw more attention.  I find it reassuring that there are a certain group of folks out there who check my blog fairly regularly.  I know who some of you are and there are others that I don’t, but whom I hope enjoy what they read. 

I also love the idea that many find the blog, seemingly, randomly through searching for things on the internet.  I love the notion that someone who may stumble upon my blog might find something that brings them hope or encouragement or makes them think…

I can see who certain readers are and I know that a couple of people whose music I have referenced have found my blog.  Most encouraging to me thus far was an email I received from Bob Massey of, little known, Gena Rowlands Band who have produced one of the greatest albums I own in the form of “Flesh & Spirits”.  Thanks, Bob! 

This week, however, it appears that 80’s teenage sensation Debbie Gibson has read my thoughts twice…totally random, man!



On my previous post I asked what single song you would sing if you were lying out in the gutter dying and you had time to sing one song…One song that would let God know how you felt about your time here on earth.  One song that would sum you up…

Whilst I often love clever lyrics, at the end of the day some things just need to be said as they are.  Whatever our life experience or standing in society, we all fall short and hide behind masks and ultimately there comes a time when we simply stop pretending…

Is there time when old hymnals come back to mind and we recite phrases like “amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me”?  How seldom many of us see ourselves in that light.  And yet for untold numbers of others, they see themselves simply in that light with no hope of restoration.

I’ve been thinking it over for a couple of days and have concluded that I’d choose the same song as Scott.  So, when it all boils down to it the song I’d choose is as follows:

“Well I have wandered away from the narrow path

Have I gone so far that you won’t have me back?

You see my reaction to the world’s distractions.

If the apple is sweet, then I am bound to eat…

Lord, have mercy

Lord, have mercy

Lord, have mercy on me.

Well I came to you from that lonely place

At the end of the season from the sea and the sun

If you’re really there and you really care

Surely you will understand the depths of my despair 

Lord, have mercy

Lord, have mercy

Lord, have mercy on me.

Will you listen to me in my moment of weakness?

I’m your prodigal son and I’m looking for rest


Lord, have mercy

Lord, have mercy

Lord, have mercy on me”.

From “Mercy” by Gena Rowlands Band.

The above comes from the “Flesh and Spirits” album which I consider my best find of 2007.  I now regard it as one of the most important albums I own.  Whilst, the language may not always be the way in which I would articulate things, this record has helped me view life, love, attraction, temptation, sex, death, God and the human condition in a way like precious little other music has done for a long time.  If that has got you intrigued, then you can listen to some of the tracks at their myspace page here or order the album here.

One of my friends saw Gena Rowlands Band play a gig in Brooklyn last year.  They finished the set with this song.  Bob Massey sung the song whilst the rest of the band packed up their gear around him and those gathered in the venue began to sing along the refrain, “Lord, have mercy on us”.  I love that picture –  a small bar full of people, many of whom, I expect, would never consider entering a church and yet singing words together that they can understand and own.  It makes me think about how little time Jesus spent in religious places compared with how much time he spent with ordinary people in their everyday lives.

As Scott also recently commented in an email to me – church is more like a hospital for sinners than a museum for saints.  There’s a lot of truth in that and yet I wonder how many churches that actually rings true for?

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"The priest in the booth had a photographic memory for all he had heard. He took all of my sins and he wrote a pocket novel called "The State That I'm In"". From "The State I Am In" by Belle and Sebastian
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